Saturday, June 21, 2008

Get Smart

I watched this show religiously when I was a kid. As Star Trek was the beginning of my love for all things Sci-Fi, Get Smart was the beginning of my love for all things spy. From The Saint, to James Bond, to Bourne. I love a good spy flick. Of course Get Smart is all in it for laughs and you really can't compare him to Bond. (Or can you?) He gets cool cars, cool gadgets, and Agent 99.

I was afraid they would get "Will Farrell" stupid and over the top with Get Smart, but they did an excellent job of keeping everything on an even keel and things were funny enough to have your rolling in the floor and not rolling your eyes at the ceiling! Steve Carell does a great job with his role in The Office and he is no less superb here. And Anne Hathaway makes a feisty Agent 99. They surprisingly give the characters amazing depth for a comedy.

This re-make of the series was a fun ride and I can highly recommend it! Find the nearest phone booth and check out Get Smart!

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